About Us
Our Lady of the Valley Parish was founded in 1974 as a satellite parish of St. Mary’s. Fr. Richard Sodja celebrated the first Mass on April 9, 1974. We built and they came. Today, Our Lady of the Valley Parish is a welcoming community of 550 families and continues to grow.

• We will joyfully celebrate the live Eucharist and all Sacraments as a loving Catholic Community. We will proclaim and live God’s Word in our daily lives.
• We will build up and support our parish community in harmony with the greater Helena community, Diocese, and universal Church.
• We will call active believers to an ever deepening faith and bring the healing message of Jesus to alienated and inactive Catholics.
• We will minister to the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of one another and promote Christ’s peace and justice in the world.
• We will strive to become a more fully functioning Catholic community by encouraging all parishioners to develop their gifts of time, talent, and treasure through service in parish ministries.
Mass Times
Our Lady of the Valley
On most weeks:
Wednesday 6:00 pm, Saturday 4:00 pm, Sunday 8:00 am and 10:30 am
Wednesday at 4:30 pm
Wednesday at 5:00 pm
*Check the website, My Parish App, or bulletin for weekly schedule.
Sacred Heart Mission, Wolf Creek
Frequently Asked Questions
At Our Lady of the Valley we have a loving Catholic community with friendly faces young and old alike. We value our commitment to serving others. Feel free to reach out if you want to know more about us! Contact Us
Here at Our Lady of the Valley we have many different ministries that help our community.
Please look into what roles are available and feel free to get in touch. OLV Ministries
Our bulletin is updated weekly, and June through August every two weeks, and it's a great source for finding upcoming events, important dates, and ministries. Bulletins
Feel free to contact us with any additional questions and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Contact Us
Our Staff
Pastor: Father Bart Tolleson
Deacon Steve Barry
Deacon Randy Fraser (senior status)
Office Manager:
Kelly Bond (olvoffice@olvmt.org)
Lisa Richard (olvfinances@olvmt.org)
Elementary Religious Education:
Becky Tooke
Youth Ministry:
David Casey
Music Ministry:
Rebecca Kagerer
Standing Committees
Finance Committee
Finance Committee Chairman:
Larry Thomas
Pastoral Council
Pastoral Council Chairman:
Hanna Marron
Pastoral Council Minutes
September 2022Click here
October 2022
Click hereNovember 2022
Click here